vineri, 12 octombrie 2012

The story of my life... Begins now!

Today, I am afraid to go to sleep. I know the will only make the hours pass faster, far from the one I love, the one I want to kiss, to hug to say hello every morning. But this is what I am. But today we won't talk about her... Today I will make my mind where my life goes... If I get no respect today, I will leave. There will be no reason to stay anymore. I know who I am, I know what I can do and I know that there are not many like me. I also know that there is a time when you have to move on. It's just that I don't want to give up on people that I care about. But if today they prove that they don't care about me, I will walk out. I had a dream and I hoped it will come true. there is no chance the whole of it to become real but I will live my life trying to complete the task that I still can do. I'm not a stranger and I am not alone. There is someone who will one day love me and trust me. I hope at least! What will happen today? God I have to grow up and face the reality; But I don't want to! I should go to sleep, wake up in the morning breath deep and relax. It's time to move, time to conquer, time to become the one I should have been and time to move on!