Eu sunt tot ceea ce îmi doresc la momentul de faţă. Am ceea ce vreau, dar nu totul... Fericirea mea nu este completă fără acel "ceva". Poate acel ceva nici nu trebuie să existe în viaţa mea.
sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2011
Night out with/without my stripper
She didn't called me but instead of it she came into the hotel next day. It was her brother's birthday.I couldn't believe she came there but she said she didn't make it in purpose. She booked it in advance. I went to the reception and checked for all this details and the answer was that she booked that room a few hours ago. But anyhow she didn't knew where I work. I've served them and I brought some cocktails and he said it was great! He was a Bar Manager in Sussex not too far from London: "A four star hotel and spa just like yours!". I felt something wasn't quite right and I asked if the room is twin or double. Guess what... It was a twin room! So they were not lying she was his sister. Good enough till there. But the problem was that I didn't really wanted to do more even if he asked me what time do we finish there. Finally I've decided to go out so I went home, get changed and went back to the hotel. They were there both of them but they were already drunk. One thing that I hate the most in special to women. I've decided anyway to go out with or without them. I rang my sister and she came with her boyfriend and we all went out. Unfortunately it wasn't such a great night but at least I've done what I wanted exactly as I've decided to do! I love so can't commit! Who is the one that I love? You should know if you know me...
That too make sure You understand I'm not that kind of guy!
joi, 29 septembrie 2011
Stripper but richest
There was a time... When I used to deal with this kind of things! When I first met her I can remember her as it was a few moments ago. She was absolutely perfect. A beautiful smile, angel eyes, black long hair... She was staying there in her corner alone, with a pen and her note. I watched her a while and after that I realized she was the one. My colleague came and had a chat. At all the time she was righting something but I didn't knew what. It wasn't a simple meeting but still I couldn't see anything else but her. I left him there talking and I went to her asking if I can join that table. She said yes and that's when everything started. We've started to talk to each other about what we do and what were we doing there. She was a club stripper and she was writing the choreography for her team. I've been amazed on how she looked like and how she did that choreography. Based on different cultural dances, including biblic signs and fortune tellers habits. She was going to present it during the big opening of a new Night Club not too far from my home. Seeing this I've realised how intelligent she was although she was a stripper. She wasn't doing that for money but for her own company. 21 year old and one of the richest person in the town. I had to go back to the hotel where I thought about her all the time. But I left her my phone number... Is she going to call me?
miercuri, 28 septembrie 2011
Seara aceasta nu a facut altceva decat sa ma inraiasca! De ce? Am inceput luna aceasta sa tin cont de faptul ca viata trebuie traita la maxim si am zis ca vreau Liber!!! da stiu suna ciudat iar sefii mei au ramas si mai uimiti decat mine. Nu am mai vrut sa uit de nimic am vrut pur si simplu sa fac ceva pt mine. Si am facut atat cat am vrut si am putut. Mi-am luat ceasul cel mai scump din vitrina de unde odata ma uitam ce sa cumpar pt altii, mi-am pus in gand sa o gasesc pe cea care va fi a mea pt totdeauna si mai ales daca mi-am pus in gand daca nu se intampla asta ca in Februarie 2012 sa imi cumpar un BMW seria 1 sau un Audi A4. Pana acum toate bune. Am iesit la cafea cu o amica, am intalnit o alta fata intr-o cafenea si cred ca nu este deloc greu sa gasesc pe cineva. Insa la mine nu cineva este problema ci Ea. La mine nu poate fi o pers stearsa si vai de capul ei... Trebuie sa fie cineva cu capul pe umeri si care sa stie ce vrea de la viata. Tot in nebunia asta am plecat si in Blackpool cu sora mea sa uitam de suparari si sa ne distram. A fost extraordinar de haios dar sub orice critica din punct de vedere al orasului si a oamenilor. Dar ce vb eu acele personaje nu erau oameni...Erau mai degraba circari sau actori de filme horror. In fine cel mai imp este ca am hotarat sa venim acasa unde am vb cu prietenele mele din Facultate. Dupa o conversatie care m-a facut sa imi amintesc de vremurile bune in Romania, a plecat fiecare pe rand la somn. eu ca de obicei ultimul. Poate si pe motivul ca la mine este diferenta de fus orar de 2 ore. Ramas singur am inceput sa caut pe net informatii despre ceea ce este numit spionul prin telefon. Am ramas uimit de ceea ce poate face acel program dar ceea ce este si mai important este ca am cautat informatii mai in detaliu despre anumite persoane... Si ce sa imi vada ochii? Persoane cu trecut simplu, capacitate scazuta de absorbtie a informatiei au ajuns sa fie sefi. Cum? In Romania orice este posibil...Oricum ceea ce am aflat asta seara m-a inrait si m-a facut sa vreau si mai mult sa fac acel pas... Acel salt cu triplu tulup care va lasa lumea fara suflare! De ce? Pentru ca nimeni nu merita sa fie iertat daca isi bate joc de mine! Eu iert dar nu uit! Asa mi-a spus si acea persoana mie... Iar daca nu uit atunci inseamna ca acest lucru se intampla cu un scop si acela este pentru a face persoanele sa ma tina minte!!!
marți, 27 septembrie 2011
Iti scriu in vis
Adună-mi toate visele
Dar lasă-mi fericirea,
Aruncă-mi lanţ; cătuşă,
Dar fie lung să pot să te sărut
Atinge-mi sufletul dar lasă-mă să simt.
Alunecă spre mine
Dar tot mereu mai lent,
Impodobeşte-mi viaţa
Cu tot ceea ce-nsemni.
Înmiresmează-mi casa
Chiar cu sudoarea ta
Căci tu eşti fericirea
Iubire şi respect!
Am înţeles cum lumea-mi
Se năruie încet,
Am inţeles că tu eşti
Cea pe care-o aştept!
Nu voi putea vreodată
Să nu te mai iubesc
Eu voi trăi mereu
Cu gând că te doresc
Doar tu venind la mine
Mă vei face să trăiesc!
Dar lasă-mi fericirea,
Aruncă-mi lanţ; cătuşă,
Dar fie lung să pot să te sărut
Atinge-mi sufletul dar lasă-mă să simt.
Alunecă spre mine
Dar tot mereu mai lent,
Impodobeşte-mi viaţa
Cu tot ceea ce-nsemni.
Înmiresmează-mi casa
Chiar cu sudoarea ta
Căci tu eşti fericirea
Iubire şi respect!
Am înţeles cum lumea-mi
Se năruie încet,
Am inţeles că tu eşti
Cea pe care-o aştept!
Nu voi putea vreodată
Să nu te mai iubesc
Eu voi trăi mereu
Cu gând că te doresc
Doar tu venind la mine
Mă vei face să trăiesc!
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